After delivering a hit in his 50th film, Ajith is busy shooting for his next offering, Billa 2, with Chakri Toleti. As reported earlier, the team is ready to start their next schedule in Goa from October but the question now seems to be about the leading ladies. A little birdie tells us that Huma Qureshi, one of the female leads in the film signed on for the project, is unlikely to be part of the schedule as she is being replaced.
A source says, “The first schedule of the film was shot in a studio in Hyderabad with Ajith and the villains. It was in the next schedule in Goa that the two female leads — Bruna Abdullah and Huma Qureshi — were supposed to join him. However, there seems to be some confusion as Huma is not likely to be part of the project. The team is conducting auditions now to find a replacement for her.” The success of Ajith’s recent release could have initiated changes to the cast and script to ensure that his forthcoming release exceeds expectations.
When we contacted producer Suresh Balajee, he said, “Things are still under consideration. Shooting is going as per schedule. We just returned from Goa after finalising the locations and we are likely to start shooting from October 19. We are making certain changes to the characters and only after two days will we be able to confirm the final cast. As of now, Bruna and Huma are still part of the project.”
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